Report from an LIA period at Aixia

Report from an LIA period at Aixia

From my previous experience as a teacher, I know that the best conditions for learning arise from the perfect mix of challenges and support. Want to know how Aixia’s work culture created the perfect environment for its trainees’ professional development?...
Portworx – Maximize the management of your data

Portworx – Maximize the management of your data

In the ever-changing world of modern business, data has become the lifeblood of success. From small startups to multinationals, the ability to effectively manage, store and use data can determine the fate of an organization. This is where Portworx comes in, offering...
Welcome to the future of storage technology.

Welcome to the future of storage technology.

Datamängderna expanderar snabbare än någonsin tidigare och företag står inför det ständiga behovet av effektivare och mer omfattande datalagringslösningar. Aixia, tillsammans med Pure Storage, presenterar FlashArray X – ett verktyg som inte bara hanterar dagens...
HackHERHealth hackathon

HackHERHealth hackathon

On April 13-14, Milena Miernik, who is doing her LiA at Aixia, participated in the HackHERHealth hackathon event, which had the overall goal of reducing the gender gap in medical health. Women are underrepresented in medical studies resulting in less support and less...